Ann Garrett is an author of fiction and nonfiction for children and adults. She loves travel, kids, animals and great conversations. Happily married, she lives and writes in CA. "iPhone" was originally published in Time of Singing. It is now a part of Short Édition's series, The Current.

Image of The Current - The Current
Originally published in Time of Singing
Phone on
Enter passcode:
Phone (app)
Scroll down

Shit, it didn't work.
Take deep breath.

Try again.

Phone (app)
Letter G
Your name
Delete contact

Wipe eyes.

Delete contact

All contacts screen
Middle button

Phone off.

Death can delete you
my phone
but not
my heart.

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Snoot's Snouts

Ann Garrett

Snoot the Pooch was sad one day.
"I wonder why I look this way.
My nose is doggone commonplace.
It's just so boring on my face."
"I'd feel better, I suppose,
if I could have a brand new ... [+]