What Do You Really Think, or Really Know?

What Do You Really Think, or Really Know? Understanding Thoughts (Thinking) and Knowledge (Known Facts) This morning I woke up to a sunny, hot day in the deep south where the weather is now becoming extremely unbearable. What I really know is that I am here and will make the best of this day at this moment. I always start the day with a daily routine of opening the mini blinds while thanking and saying “Good Morning” to God. For with God’s grace and mercy, all things are possible. This does not mean that the days will not have challenges. While trusting and obeying God’s instructions, I will have the endurance and perseverance to keep dancing in the rain and storms of life. For God states that for the lack of knowledge and vision, my people will perish. Right now, I will focus on knowledge to mean as to what is really known. Through all we may think and/or know, we must build a relationship with God or a higher power of belief. Following these steps helped to endure and persevere such as Wake Up (Awareness), Dress Up (Admire Yourself), Shut Up (Listening), Stand Up (Be Counted),  Rise Up (Inspire), Reach Up (Greatness), Lift Up (Encourage), Sit Up and Be You!!! – This statement is the reference for life, “Everyone Else is Taken” – For you created my innermost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise to you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I KNOW that full well. Psalms 139:13 Now, what do we think? What do we know?  There is a book is called the BIBLE (Basic Instructions for Believers in Life Evolution). For God states that for the lack of knowledge and vision, the people will perish. Through the development of knowledge, wisdom is instilled for endurance. This does not mean that there will not be problems, but the burdens of useless worrying will be lessened by focusing on the Fruit of the Spirit which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness and Self-Control. God Give Me the Serenity to Accept the Things that I Cannot Change. The Courage to Change the Things that I can Change. The Wisdom to Know the Difference” Becoming the motto for life to have the faith, hope, knowledge, and the vision to move forward by following God’s Law. The knowledge should be used to uplift and carry the truths of life. In today’s world, the manifestations of truth have gotten lost in personal gains and gratification.  We are people of different cultures and beliefs, but these differences should not divide us because we are all God’s children. While seeking legal and professional advice, I painfully understood the meaning of what I think and what I know (knowledge).  In the legal fight of my life, this was a means to protect my career but even more to protect my character, creditability, and integrity.  Over two months, the news media, and newspapers across the state of South Carolina presented inaccurate pictures and stories.  For God and the people who love and knows your heart, mind, and soul are the greatest supporters therefore these powerful people will not become the author and finisher of one’s life. Holding the powerful accountable for their actions, the justice system in America needs a major overhaul for people who victim by no fault of their own.  People should not be victimized and abused for trusting and believing a system of fairness.  Where is the brother’s keeper phenomenon?  In today’s judicial system which is based on the news media, newspapers and my experiences, people who are rich and guilty have a better chance for legal litigation than the innocent and poor. The first and foremost thoughts are I am not perfect and there is not a perfect person on this earth.  One will trust people until their flaws become more evident. One will make mistakes to trust people and believe that they are your brother’s keeper. The mistakes will be made so many times in one’s journey, but God will not let one fall because these mistakes will become teachable moments to learn from.  God will be the yoke to carry the burdens. By being imperfect, every day will be a new day to start by the learning the lessons from yesterday. The challenges will be learned as well as how to move forward. By knowing who and where God is in one’s life, this will lead to the road of knowledge. The knowledge comes from the fruit of the spirit that is given by God and not by the world. One should be careful to know that the evils of the world will try to take the fruit of the spirit. The evils are jealousy, hatred, systemic racism, police brutality, domestic violence, and disrespect for people of various backgrounds, beliefs, cultures, and genders. Through hope and faith, the Lord Our God grants grace and mercy. As one follows God, one should take the steps to trust and obey.  What is HOPE? It is the Higher Opportunity for People of Evolution. The higher opportunity is the place that one is taken when one prays to God. While in prayer, God teaches one to evolve through faith to a place of contentment. In this place of contentment, God will become known as the yoke to bear the burdens of this world. In closing, “America: Color It In” is the topic in reference. America is in pain and God is the ANSWER!!! Over the past months, I have felt outrage and hurt on the murder and death of George” Perry” Floyd.  As means to share my experience, I had chosen to write a memoir to highlight the systemic racism that was utilized by the law enforcement entity in South Carolina. The title was chosen, Commitment, Service, Betrayal to show reference to the how good people are taken advantage of by the law enforcement policing and the judicial system of America. In each of these entities, the powerful people should be held accountable to ensure that the laws are adhered to protect the innocent. No one wants and choose to be a victim but the judicial climate of today makes it impossible for a person of color to not become a victim.  Since 1896, those of power have been trying to eradicate people of color out of America and if necessary, out of this world. The title of my book was chosen because of the commitment and service of our ancestors to build this country. The betrayal is not to be treated as equal to have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which is written on the Constitution of Rights for ALL AMERICANS. Now is the time for America to show up and show out and to show the world that people of color will be treated as equal and is going to make a change for the better.  Let us now speak about who is the powerful and should be held accountable. First and foremost, it is our commander in chief along with the attorney general, Supreme Court and Congress.  As people looking for change, there is only one side to choose as either part of the solution or remain as part of the problem. At this moment, one can be sad but this to shall pass because God hears our cry for help and promises to bear our burdens. “Follow God’s example in everything you do just as a much-loved child imitates his father. Be full of love for other, following the example of Christ who loved you and gave himself to God as a sacrifice to take away your sins. And God was pleased, for Christ’s love for you was like sweet perfume to him.” Ephesian 5:1-4


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