Emily Dorffer

Emily Dorffer is a technical editor who proudly stands just half an inch under five feet tall. She loves spoiling her cat and baking with her mom. Her poems and short stories have appeared in Cicada, Blue Marble Review, Daily Science Fiction, and various other publications. You can download a free disability themed short story anthology she compiled here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/801344


Image of Vansh Malhotra

Vansh Malhotra

Hey everyone, My name is Vansh Malhotra, and I am originally from India. Everyone loves to call me poetic as I am passionate about writing poems in English and French on various topics that ... [+]

Image of Felix Culpa

Felix Culpa

Felix Culpa is passionate about fantasy literature and philosophy. He has written several collections of short stories around these themes. He also loves music and started writing songs very early on ... [+]